Call Us: (567) 525-4060
1710 Manor Hill Rd
Findlay, OH 45840
1155 Westwood Drive
Van Wert, Ohio 45891
2721 Shawnee Rd,
Lima, OH 45806
We know the journey of finding services can be a struggle with so much information out there, it’s difficult to know what to do. At Monark ABA, we have a dedicated enrollment specialist who is with you through the entire process. She can assist you with questions regarding coverage, what services are available, how the process works, and so much more.
We do NOT currently accept Tricare
And other Networks
1011 N Defiance St
Ottawa, OH 45875
1710 Manor Hill Rd
Findlay, OH 45840
1155 Westwood Drive
Van Wert, Ohio 45891